Dog Days

Wikipedia will tell you that “dog days” are the hot sultry days of summer, because Greek and Roman astrology connected heat, drought, thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, bad luck and mad dogs. I think dog days might also refer to those freezing cold, rainy, miserable days when dogs resent their owners crying off the daily walk in the park. In such instances, the very least they expect is a stroke or two on the tummy, in lieu of a walk.

PICU is a Patterdale Terrier. I can tell you quite a story about her name. Another time. The thing about her is this: she doesn’t like me writing when I could be stroking her tummy. Here she is, grabbing my hand every couple of seconds, saying “that’s not enough: more, please”.

I just want to get back to the keyboard, dammit, dog.

2 thoughts on “Dog Days

  1. So very sweet. I love my dog, too, and he keeps me from reading, just like yours does. I’ve read two of your books, by the way – Devil and Gun Dealing. Loved them. Good grief – I realise it’s two years ago since I read the first one, and a year since the second one: makes me realise I still need to read the other two. Haven’t had time to get to them yet, but will now.

    1. Thank you, Jen. Dog lovers of the world unite. Hope you enjoy the next book in the quartet: for your convenience it’s here

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